BVCG on Strava

Monday 31 May 2021

Another fun Booze Cruise

Just 3 of us made it to the start line on Friday - Stewart, Keith and myself, but Dick, who had been held up at work, met us on the Deeside Way, just short of Kincardine O'Neil as we headed out to Deeside Activity Park on a glorious day. Our first photo stop was at Falls of Dess - the first time most of us had viewed them from the other (west) side:
Coffee and cakes at Deeside Activity Centre:
We bumped into Jan Leatham there - she is now working at the impressive new distillery there, which does tastings and tours - you can make up your own gin, vodka etc:
We would have liked to have gone over the hill from there towards Torphins but none of us knew the path to take so it was back to the main road, which gave us the opportunity for a quick stop at the Peel Ring of Lumphanan, a historic site which not even Dick had ever visited before:
We eventually made it back to the Legion where we had arranged to meet Colin, Nigel and Bill for a couple of ales:
Another excellent afternoon. Here's the stats:

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