BVCG on Strava

Friday, 5 May 2017

Thursday away day

Scott was our designated routemaster on a glorious Thursday morning. Nine of us gathered at Potarch - Dave Williamson made the short trip from his home, whilst Johns Larkin and Morton cycled there from Banchory via different routes. The rest of us drove.

We cycled west to Kincardine O'Neil - only Dick was able to make it to the top of the short sharp slope on the Way just short of the village - and then headed up the hill to join the Way again, cimbing up before dropping down to the Falls of Dess:

Time for the first team photo:

l-r: Hugh Riches, Dick Taylor, Dave Williamson, Scott Hunter, Ian Stewart, John Perry (apparently fondling the K-tape on my knee), John Larkin, Drew Leslie and John Morton (photographer)

It was the Deeside Way all the way from there to Dinnet, where we spent a few minutes looking over the bridge:

Back along the South Deeside Way to Aboyne, looking out for the timber lorries thundering along, with the planned scone stop at the Spider and the Bicycle. It was busy and hot inside and the outside table and chairs were in the shade so we insisted on moving them to the disabled bay in the car park:

We headed back to Potarch via the quiet back roads to Birse then on to Ballogie, where the fitness fanatics split and headed up to Shooting Greens and home.

An entertaining and interesting route - well done, Scott - you're hired. 40 kms and 317 m and we were all home in time for lunch.

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