BVCG on Strava

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Monday sunday

John Meaden reports:

"Monday was another fine day and 8 showed up for the local ride - Jack , John P , Ian Sh , Iain W , Dick , John L , Hugh and myself .

The 2 castles route was chosen - Deeside Way , Crathes west gate , farm track section then eventually to Drum castle where we sat out in the courtyard for coffee and scones .

A small lobby group kept us on the hugh road - down the castle drive then left and back in to the minor roads towards Hirn and the recording studio ..

At the end of the Drumshalloch farm track we had a lengthy chat about bike maintenance - John P being on a spare bike having commendably stripped his own  bike down ( still be to put back together though) . Shortly afterwards on the road to the Cowshed Iain Wright punctured - still inspired by the bike repair chat we did the right thing - and called my son Jamie to collect Iain .

A very pleasant ride

36.3 km ,346 m"

Incidentally, congrats to Messrs Larkin and Morton for completing the Trossachs Ton at the weekend - 130 kms and 1,500 m - well done boys! As part of his training for the event, the dark side riders took John M up the Cairn last week:

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