BVCG on Strava

Friday, 19 May 2017

Hebrides Day 2

Mike was first in with his match report and photos:

"Had the most awesome day cycling with the Freewheelers. Cycled the whole length of Uist, stopped off for a spot of lunch and even a paddle in the Atlantic. We picked up a morphine junkie called Anna who understandably was in fine spirits and we all arrived safely at Hamersay and a super meal in our lovely hotel. So many stories to be told but too many drinks had at this time to tell them"

John M was next to report:

"Thursday started well , cool but bright and we set off with the wind on our backs heading for Benbecula. It was flat as Strava will tell you .

A few of us golfers took a detour to look at Askernish golf club and we cycled up to the beach - wonderful.

We took another loop of the main road before Benbecula and eventually made a lunch stop at the Stepping Stones restaurant near the airport and hospital. The lack of available coffee stops meant 50k before lunch - at this point Mike was seen trying to recruit Freewheelers to the Dark Side - no joy .

Anna was released from Benbecula hospital and rejoined the tour - by car .

More wind on the back and a few very nice causeways into North Uist and on to our next base at Lochmaddy .

It was a long ride at 80k but only 143 m with considerable wind assist - still a record ride distance for some folk .

Some athletes made the north island loop taking it up to 110k - the rest of us saved our legs for trials to come ."

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