- Monday - bit of a dreich day on Deeside and several Big Girls' Blouses had to be awarded for all the late cancellations. Only Jack showed up for a solo ride to Torphins.
- Better weather on Tuesday morning meant Scott and Drew joined me in a trip to Torphins, starting off by heading east, which initially confused my co-riders. We timed it to get to Platform 22 just after opening, thinking we would be guaranteed scones at that time - but we were amazed to find that the first batch had already been scoffed by 10:10 am! On the journey, as we approached the turning off the Glassel Road towards Beltie Hill, there was a beautiful full rainbow lining the brow of the hill. I wasn't quite quick enough to catch it in its full glory, but you can just about make it out in this photo as it faded away:
- Tuesday was also the day when the Hebrides tour began. John Meaden sent me these photos of the ferry journey:
- Wednesday was the first day of cycling for the Hebrides team. John Meaden sent me this rather sad and sorry tale:
- "A very mixed day to start. We went south from Castlebay to the start of the route on Vatersay . Some took the car to the start as we had to do some hills south into a strong wind .Vatersay and Barra were stunning in the sun and breeze.
The 2 couples peeled off in Castlebay to get some bike maintenance at the friendly local bike shop . We then headed on to Barra airport to meet the group and were doing fine until disaster struck near the airport when Anna had a bad crash into the road seemingly taken off by a speed wobble and a crosswind . Katrina returned in the support car while Mike and Carol organised various matters including an ambulance. After 2 hospitals , a ferry and 2 ambulances Anna's shoulder was diagnosed as dislocated and was rather dramatically reset by a superb hospital doctor . She is rapidly improving overnight in Benbecula hospital and John was collected last night by Theresa and Katrina to return to the team hotel and the cycle . Anna will continue today in the support car .
The group did about 56k through Eriskay to South Uist - Anna and John about 31k . Although we were on the easy day there were still tough sections - a sign of what us to come ?" - and here's the photos:
- Thursday is the normal FW day and Scott, Drew and I had discussed a potential away day to Glentanar. We were joined for the first time this year by newly retired Steve Paterson. The only previous time he had ridden with us was, funnily enough, on a trip to Glentanar. On that occasion he had developed a slow puncture and we were all hoping that lightning wouldn't strike twice.
- Six of us drove from Banchory and met Dave at Potarch, cycling along the Way to Kincar and past the Falls of Dess. This was a new experience for Steve so we stopped for a bit to have a look, which also gave us time for the team photo:
l-r; Dave Williamson, Steve Paterson, Hugh Riches, Bob Elder, Drew Leslie, Scott Hunter and Ian Stewart - From there, it was down to Aboyne, passing the Boat Inn where the outside tables in the warm sunshine looked to be a tempting spot for our refreshment stop on the way back. After crossing the bridge, we cycled along the South Deeside Road and turned off at the first entrance to Glentanar (before the bridge) and cycled up the glen, stopping at the Weary Travellers' stone for another team photo:
- Further up the glen, we crossed the Tanar and rested for a few minutes on a stone bench next to the bridge:
Hugh, Scott and Steve look down on the rest of us - Back in Aboyne, we were disappointed to see that all the outside seats at the Boat Inn were taken, so we cycled on to Spider on a Bicycle again. Our "reserved" table space at the disabled parking spot was taken, but we were able to nab the large table inside for coffees.
- The return to Potarch was via Birse again. The total distance for most of us was 44 kms with 391 m of climbing - but that wasn't enough for long-legged Drew, who declined a lift back to Banchory from Potarch and decided to cycle home.
From 2019, this blog covers the activities of the "B" team. The main Freewheelers' blog can be found at http://www.freewheelers.blog/
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Thursday, 18 May 2017
The week so far - Deeside and Hebrides
It's been an interesting week so far for the Freewheelers - and associates - but I'll deal with matters chronologically:
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